Stranger in Thy Gate by Alexander Kosub

About the BookKosubCoverWeb
Stranger in Thy Gate is an introspective novel that deals with religious stereotypes and inter-religious dating. Sala and Ben, a modern young couple, are drawn together biologically, but are constrained by history and tradition. She is Jewish; he is not.
The novel delves into the practice of religious observations and why they came to be. The couple seeks to resolve the constraints of their differences, yet asserting their man-
woman needs leads to many moments of sorrow and joy. Can their families accept and support them?
Their dilemma is one both ancient and modern. Will the two be able to work out their problems and find a future together?

About the Author

Raised on a farm in Alberta, Canada, Alexander Kosub now resides in British Columbia. He was inspired to write this book after his niece, a Christian, became engaged to a Jew. He is a retired teacher and this is his first book.