Books by Barbara E. Pleasant

A Haunting at Land’s End

bookdA Haunting at Land’s End is a paranormal romance novel for the lovers of ghost and haunted house stories.

This story begins as the Civil War is ending in Charleston, South Carolina, and moves through time to today.

Most ghost stories skip around the reason for the haunting, however, this book tells the story from the perspective of everyone involved. Even the ghost Anna speaks.

Allen and Susan are in love but can’t marry and begin a life together at the restored Land’s End until the ghost that’s causing so much trouble in the house has finally crossed over to the other side.

Anna refuses to leave until she finds her baby, Rosemary, who Anna thinks is hiding and playing peek-a-boo with her.

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Stargazer, Book One

book1When Vanna saw Fallon use his gift of healing on an accident victim she was shocked. “Who are you Fallon that you can do such things that no one else can do, and most important, where do you come from? I know you’re not from here.”

“Please Vanna don’t make me tell you. I’m so afraid you’ll turn away from me in fear if you know. I couldn’t bear never seeing you again. I couldn’t face life without you. Please my love don’t make me tell “Fallon I have to know who I’ve fallen in love with. I’ve kept no secrets from you. I’ve told you every detail about myself. Now it’s your turn. I know there’s something different about you. Who are you Fallon?”

Fallon couldn’t get the words past his lips. Finally the words rushed out as if they were so vile on his tongue he had to spit them out in a hurry before they poisoned him. “I’m an…”

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Stargazer, Book 2: The Kidnapping

book2While Vanna’s guests were on the beach watching the Fourth of July fireworks, Austin stood hiding in the woods behind thick bushes, watching and waiting for his chance to grab Vanna.

Austin whispered to himself. “Come this way. That’s right, just a little closer. Come on, just a little closer … closer. Come into my web said the spider to the fly,” he chanted. “Soon you’ll be all mine, my pet. You and everything Fallon gave you. That’ll teach that thief not to steal my woman.”

Quickly Austin saw his chance and moved forward. In a flash he captured Vanna from behind, slapping a chloroform-soaked rag over her nose and mouth. He began to drag her backwards into the woods. Only her heels dragging on the ground left two lines in the sand that pointed the direction her kidnapper had taken her.

This exciting novel is the second book in the thrilling Stargazer sci-fi series.

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A Haunting at Mariner’s Rest

hauntingThis book is a chilling paranormal / romance story for the lover of a ghost story that sets the mind to wondering. Could this really happen?

Samantha Porter on vacation meets the ghost of Charles Mariner, a shrimp boat captain who disappeared in a violent storm at sea. Now as a wandering spirit, Charles is haunting his old seaside home that after his death, was sold, and remodeled into an inn.

Samantha Porter rents a room there and wakes in the night to find the transparent figure of a man standing at the foot of her bed. When she demands to know what he wants, it’s almost as if he’s a puppet on a string, he’s pulled away and disappears. After a few more visits, he finally speaks, and both Charles and Samantha become friends. They spend time together talking and walking the beach, her as a mortal, and Charles as a disembodied voice. They find they’re falling in love but realize their love is impossible. They mourn the fact that if death hadn’t taken Charles so soon, they would have made the perfect couple.

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A Haunting at Ocean Winds

windsParker and Claire’s dream was to open a bed and breakfast on the beach in South Carolina. They stood holding their three-year-old son Mattie’s hand outside a large empty house sitting high on the dunes overlooking the beach. “Perfect,” Claire thought. The sale sign said four bedrooms upstairs, and two down.

Nothing had been done to the house in several years, and it was in bad need of restoration to bring it up to date. However, this was not what the five resident ghosts wanted who lived in the house. They wanted their home to stay just the way it was when they were alive; and bound and determined that it would, they did everything they could think of to run the new owners out.

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Walking The Dead To Heaven

In a paranormal romance story, Stacy heavenWinters falls from a ladder at work, hits her head and dies. The store manager gives her CPR and brings her back where she wakes no longer as Stacy Winters, but in a strange parallel world, with the new name of Ellen Moore and to her horror, no memory of ever having a life in this new world.

Ezekiel is a soul gatherer being punished for the terrible sin of throwing away his precious gift of life by committing suicide. His assignment as soul gatherer was to help Stacy’s soul out of her dead body, and escort her to heaven. However when she was brought back to life, her life’s clock was reset. Ezekiel now waits for her new life’s clock to run down. However, something has happened. While Ezekiel watched Stacy from afar, he fell in love with her.

Ellen notices an incredibly handsome man watching her who is always dressed in black. She has a suspicion of who he is and was sure, when she saw Ezekiel on the street helping a soul his dead body. She later confronted him with the knowledge. He admitted, yes he is a soul gatherer, and works for heaven hoping to gain absolution for his sin.

Ellen and Ezekiel continue to meet and become friends even though Ezekiel knows contact between a spirit from his world, and a mortal in this world is forbidden. Their relationship grows and they begin to wish for the impossible, a life together.

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