Woolly and Hopper by Dean Daniel Ebert

978-1-62857-823-2-DEbertCoverAbout the Book

Spiders and Grasshoppers
and Bugs. Oh My!

Illustrated Children’s Book
Celebrates Creatures Big and Small

This educational and meaningful children’s story is told by Mildred, a grass spider. It is also an adventurous tale about grasshoppers and other bugs.

Have you ever wondered how bugs meet each other? Read along as Woolly and Hopper make new friends, build trust, and gain self-confidence in this delightfully illustrated book. Though some may ask, “Why didn’t Noah swat those two mosquitos?” Others appreciate that there is a purpose for the creatures of the earth.

We all have questions about bugs. Why does the woolly worm cross the road? Why do caterpillars cross the road in the fall? Find out all this and more in the fun children’s book Woolly and Hopper.

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About the Author

Dean Daniel Ebert has lived most of his life in St. Helens, Oregon. He is retired and enjoys playing music, wood carving, and writing. This is his first book.