Author Kint Beare

Devils and Pride

A terrified man awaits under the knife during an illegal organ transplant.

In the gripping suspense novel Devils and Pride, a wealthy businessman with a rare blood group urgently needs an organ transplant, and will do anything to get it. A drug dealer who owes money for drugs trades his debt for the man’s organs.

Meanwhile, socialite Laura Hamblin, a descendant of slaveowners and the wife of Congressman Harry Hamblin, discovers her husband has an illegitimate son of African American descent. Laura sets out to destroy both father and son.

Harry finds himself tied to a massive conspiracy and is also in a struggle for political power. He confides in Dennis Krink, a college friend who breaks into a slaughterhouse, only to find evidence of organ harvesting. The story lives up to its bloody title.

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About the Book


In 1308, the Catholic Church and the King of France dismantled the military arm of the Church, known as the Knights Templar. Many documents were destroyed; others were taken from Templar vaults and secured in the Secret Archives of the Vatican.

Three hundred years later, one of these documents was stolen by a cardinal and hidden in a remote church in the Mexican jungle.

In the year 2032, Father Lee Henson, a young cleric, is sent to retrieve the scroll. Little does he know that the quest could cost him his life and the lives of those dearest to him. Reluctantly he takes up arms to defend the Church and Earth from the dark forces of hell.

Father Henson must overcome a brutal Mexican drug lord and the egotistical ambitions of a powerful U.S. senator running for president, while protecting the key that can open the portal to hell. His quest takes him to Eastern Europe, where the locked portal prevents Victor, a young man protected by the dark forces, from entering the dark side.

Victor steals the key to the portal. If he uses it correctly, after forty days he would return to Earth with an army strong enough to challenge God.

The other players in this deadly game include Cardinal George Smith, who liaised with the dark forces to assume the Papacy; Luther Holms, a descendant of the Knights Templar seeking revenge for his forbears; andSelene, a young woman who was groomed for twenty years and is sent back from near death to save Earth.

If Father Henson fails, the earth we know will no longer exist.

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