The Forgotten History of Moms by Margaret Kyu-won Ahn

978-1-62516-927-3-MAhnCoverAbout the Book

Is Your Mom a Witch? Young Readers Will Be Entranced!

The Forgotten History of Moms is a wonderfully imaginative fantasy for young readers that was written and illustrated by a 14-year-old.

Did you know that women have witch blood pumping in their veins? Long ago, a witch fell in love with a human man. The other witches were so furious, they forever blocked the path of magic and the land of humans by an invisible door. Heddrick is a boy who lived in an attic for six years before finally showing himself to his witch mother and three witchy sisters. Since witches don’t like boys, from that day onward, Heddrick lived a life filled with awful tricks and spells; plus, he was always getting blamed for everything! Such is the life facing a poor, downtrodden male.

After suffering the worst trick ever, Heddrick leaves home and goes to an all-boys’ boarding school, where he meets his best friend Derris. He later meets Lizzy, his first crush, but learns she is also a witch. Heddrick finds a book on magic that will teach him witchcraft, too. He figures if he can’t beat them, he’ll join them!

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About the Author

Margaret Kyu-won AhnMargaret Kyu-won Ahn is a fourteen-year-old student at CheongShim International Academy, a boarding school in South Korea. Originally from the small city of ChunCheon, South Korea, she went to Singapore to study for two years when she was ten. This is her second book.