Shamus the Leprechaun by Paul E. Harvey, Jr.

The Adventures of Shamus

PHarveyCoverPaul E. Harvey, Jr., spins a delightful tale in his first children’s book about a crafty little Leprechaun who leaves his precious pot of gold in order to fulfill a very important and secret mission.

Cunning little Shamus loves nothing more than to spend his hours counting and polishing gold pieces, but one day he receives a very important task: Shamus is asked to journey from home (and his precious stores of gold!) to find out if humans still believe in leprechauns.

With a clever human disguise and a few leprechaun tricks up his sleeve, Shamus visits a little elementary school where he finds a delightful surprise that is far more exciting than all of the pots of gold in the world!

Shamus Meets General George Washington

Harvey Cover WebWhen a leprechaun wants you to learn history, you’d better pay attention! It is Christmas Eve 1776. Shamus the leprechaun and his companion Rocco the flying dog enter the Camp of General George Washington.

The two arrive at the general’s tent and he invites them inside to get warm and wash up. Washington shows Shamus his plans to cross the Delaware and attack the Hessians in Trenton the next day.

Shamus and Rocco go along to see history in the making. After the battle, Shamus and the general depart, with Shamus once again searching for gold, and George Washington and his troops fighting for freedom.

Shamus Meets General George Washington is just another day in the life of an adventurous leprechaun who loves to tell stories about American history!