
Wake Me Up So I can Dream

Everything in Sasha’s life is perfect—or so it seems. She is married to Michael, the most wonderful man on the planet; they live in a beautiful home near a beach; she has her dream job—an actress just beginning to live the life of fame and fortune—and yet she is plagued by a sense that something is not right. She sees darting shadows, more often in her home than anywhere else. And she senses that someone is following her. Then the worst thing of all: Michael is seeing someone else. She finds herself no longer working at her dream job, but as a secretary. It’s completely confusing to her, because she’s not sure how it all happened. She takes us with her on a journey through her past, reliving some of her memories, trying to understand how this all happened. In the meantime, she keeps trying to talk to Michael to help her understand why they are no longer together. Unfortunately, Michael cannot help her, but she does come to an understanding, nevertheless. Join Sasha as she travels on this journey to discover what the shadow is, determine what seems to be following her, and, most important, learn the truth about herself. A truth many must face. You’ll certainly want to put Wake Me Up So I Can Dream at the top of your reading list this year!

Gayle Thompson, SBPRA editor