Chris Lancaster

Seeking the Truth


Seeking the Truth explores the real truth about our existence; where we came from and why; and who created us. It examines the nature and character of God and how we can come to know Him personally.

In an age of skepticism, this book seeks only the truth, searching for the real meaning and purpose of life.

Those looking for the truth will find it a spiritual journey. They will come to know and have a restored relationship with our Creator.

The most ancient of all books, the Bible, is just as relevant today as ever, prophesizing about what will happen in the future, and when the end times draw near.

Seeking the Truth takes readers on a journey of discovery. The author too explores and initiates his own spiritual voyage, a pilgrimage of discovery. Learn the truth about life itself; how and where we came from; and where we are going in the future.

On Heaven’s Path

9781681815732-Lancaster_CV.inddOn Heaven’s Path takes readers on a journey of discovery that begins by explaining why the theory of evolution is untrue and unfounded, and how science is now discovering God through the magnificent design of the universe.

This illuminating book looks at the authenticity of the Bible, and the many prophecies that have come to pass and continue to do so.

It examines the folly of man’s thinking that there is no God, and the many false religions, philosophies, and beliefs that man clings to. It tells why Christianity remains true and credible, and beyond scrutiny.

Learn the only truth about the origin of the human race and why Christianity is the only true religion.

Finally, On Heaven’s Path examines why having faith in God and His word is essential and how we can be certain of having an eternity in heaven.

It is the author’s hope to bring people back to the real truth about our Creator and the purpose He has for our lives. In this seemingly hopeless and helpless world, we must turn back to God, before His impending wrath will come to all those who reject His grace and truth…