Romancing the Stone

I decided to educate myself and be myself.

The situation was such that I came to a unanimous if not precarious conclusion to teach and educate myself all by myself.

I had no one to help me; I had no one to nature and procure me to be me.

I had no one to ask for genuine expertise and morale guidance or indeed prudence.

From a relatively early age I decided to educate myself and be myself for myself all by myself.

I decided to educate myself because that seemed like the most sensible and morale thing to do like a cat in a top hat..

If I couldn’t receive a good education from those whom I deemed so close and mellow I would do it alone without a naughty clone upon a throne.

The way to educate myself was wholly and partially obscure to procure and mature without a lure.

The way to learn all about the world was to realize what it was all about and not pout the good old shout.

The way to learn about life was to experiment and be pious about the value of living and educating for simulation.

I wasn’t sure exactly what to do, what to think or what to say but educating myself was an absolute must out of double suttle trust.

When I found out what I wanted to do it was only by educating myself by thought, word and deed with no greed or creed.

When I found out what I wanted to it indicated reading, working, traveling all by myself to discover and educate myself all by myself.

I feel rather prudent for what I have just done so all it seemed should be prone to me and to you in a magnificent zoo from the Kalamazoo.

I decided to educate myself so I can be myself in the face of all the nations with a handful of raisins without any abrasions

With a little bit of food, clothes on my back, bottom, and shoes I went into the brave new world and just what do you think I did?

I decided to take my life into my hands which indicated educating myself and this was  all by myself in order that I could be myself.




It’s time to teach

One of the many challenges for a teacher is when it’s time to teach.

One of the many characteristics for a teacher is knowing how to

create an acceptable speech.

As far as I am concerned it’s time to smile, look and teach the students.

Many of them are undoubtedly nervous and don’t know what

they will be yearning for learning.

It’s time to teach but it’s not time to make an unprofond

speech on a pebbled beach.

It’s time to teach the students who are eager to begin learning the material.

You know that some are very nervous which  some are fidgety.

You know that some are smiling but while others are definitely not.

You know that some are happy while other are mostly profoundly, not.

You know that you are looking at them and they are looking at you as if to say:

Why, what, when, if, how or maybe next to a layby.

I open my mouth because it’s time to teach.

I take a deep breath because it’s not the time to preach.

I am confident that they will learn something and that

something will be useful or beneficial but not artificial.

I am certain that they will increase their vocabulary

I am confident that they will be a little bit wiser after the

lesson which is just like a full bodied session.

They look at the screen so it’s time to give them an exercise

rather than a fully bodied excuse.

For me it’s the time to teach rather give them a well

prepared  speech on a whited sanded beach.

For me it time to teach and not to preach but it’s definitely time

to open up my heart because I wish to become rather smart.


It’s time to teach in the classroom so the first student stands up ready to speak

Please don’t be shy but you must be very sly.

The student utters some dainty words but it’s riddled

with some basic grammatical mistakes.

I ask them to repeat the sentence but they are too shy and have

to sit down very near Dunstable downs.