Tough Cookies by Diane Rissner

About the Book

My book begins with my early years growing up, describing a childhood filled with memories of excitement, happiness, warmth, and security. It continues with experiences of growing up with relatives, friends, and neighbors, and how this period of my life molded me into a person with standards, values, and work ethics.

I move forward explaining how life is not always fair; bad things happen to good people. My story comes to life as I travel through time, sharing the good and bad relationships along the way, dealing with the consequences of my actions.

My ride on this roller coaster explains all the emotions I feel as I leave one phase of life and enter into another. I explain how I dealt with my emotions on puppy love, true love, and the greatest of all: unconditional love.

Decisions are made, new paths chosen. I experience marriage, childbirth, rearing children, divorce, and loneliness. My book ends summing up everything that I wish to accomplish, which would be to inspire my readers to take a journey into their own mind, compare their own life, and realize that tough times never last, but Tough Cookies do.

About the Authorauthor-photo-1

A semi-retired nurse, Diane Rissner lives in Indiana. This is her first book. “My family is deceased. I am the only one in my immediate family living. I wanted to make sure my children and nieces would come to know our family history. If I did not tell them myself what is in my mind and heart, they would never know.”