Those Five Kids by Marlon Cozier

9781628572308-Cozier_CV.inddAbout the Book

Secrets are meant to be kept secret!

Just before he begins fourth grade, Frankie Bennett goes to Sea Sight Elementary School to get ready for the new school year. After picking up his class schedule, he overhears a woman in the school lobby talking to her son about finding a student there named Joey Fallon.

The mother knows Joey has a secret she must learn. She tells her son to trick Joey into revealing the secret being protected by Joey and his family.

As it happens, Frankie is Joey’s cousin, so he warns Joey about the woman and her son. Joey gets help from Frankie, his older brother Jake, and their two friends, Matt and Baron. Those Five Kids team up to investigate the mysterious kid, wanting to learn why he and his mother must know Joey’s secret.

About the BookCozier Web Pic

New Yorker Marlon Cozier wrote this book to send a message to kids that if they only stay true to themselves, they can get the job done. “Whatever they want to be in the future, they need to aim for that goal and not let the negative stuff stick in their head. Always believe that dreams can come true.” This is his first book.