The Night Billy Was Born

41UeG6XZYFL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_The Night Billy Was Born and Other Love Stories is about love at all ages, the passionate affair of two teenagers; the delicate relationships between a brother and sister, their cousin, and their adotptive aunt and her dead husband; the obsession of a young man in his early twenties for an older woman; the love of a husband and his pregnant wife under straitened circumstances; an extra-marital affair between a divorced, unemployed writer and a beautiful married woman he meets in Alcoholics Anonymous; the unexpected love of a married woman in her fifties for another woman; the sentimental journey of an old man whose wife has recently died to find the love he left behind in war-torn England after World War II; and the loneliness of a woman nearing ninety who has no one, not even her husband, who is non composmentis, to share her grief with over the death of her son.
