Author Biography

The best truth I told myself was, concentrating on my talent. And through it, all that I had longed for, all that I had aimed at- all came to my foot; like a dream come through.

I found no struggle in it, rather I asked myself; “Are you sure you’re not missing it-since others are struggling but you aren’t?”, but like I said ; the very dream I longed hope for, came to reality as I worked in my field….what then is the struggle for- a pride or an award?

Apart from revelations and inspirations; part of this book ‘THE CHURCH’ came as an experience-through which God explained more of what He had been pointing at for several years; as I grew, work and walked through THE CHURCH- This; He placed down in my heart as a burden and until I penned it down; I had no rest.

Its over ten years now I have been into writing, and within this period of time; with God’s inspirations, and His grace, I have had down twelve manuscripts, out of which only one has been published- (THE CHURCH), others which include;

  • Just as the world ends…
  • Forever words of wisdom
  • Teens Influence
  • They took my body (a movie script) etc