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My New Blog

Dear “Irate Scotsman” who sent me an e-mail: My Scottish grandmother used to say something like “Bairns and fools shouldn’t criticise half-done work.” I’ll change that to “half-read books” and hope that you have now finished the book and you’ll know why the romantic hero was Spanish instead of Scots. I thought this would make the story more interesting and cohesive. I could even say “It’s my book and that’s how I wanted it.” But I try to take questions seriously and of course I have nothing against Scotsmen and I agree that some are very good-looking. However, I have to explain that I don’t write books starting on page 1 and plodding through to the end. I start with the plot roughed-out, then I write the essential parts that can’t be changed without wrecking the plot.

Early in the  planning stages I wrote the episode that became Chapter 17, and then I had the idea of giving the villainous Aitor a brother who was a nice guy, as a contrast. Later still, I thought of making the brother the hero.

Yes, I then had to re-write scads of pages with all sorts of major and minor changes, but that’s what’s involved in writing a book. As Eks told Frank: “If you don’t believe me, try it some time.”

Next time I have a free half hour, I’ll try to answer another male reader – not at all jealous and “not even a Brit”, as he says – who expressed a very interesting idea about Characters in Books.

Watch this space as I will be writing soon again about my book, my writing and my life! Enjoy!