Why I write…

_KK_4827There are moments in life when one feels a sudden urge of doing something. The decision I made in 2007 of writing this book was one such moment. It took me four years to finish the book, and I could still remember very clearly the years of writing it. It wasn’t exactly smooth sailing, not when one has a full-time teaching job, but whenever I had time to write, I would immerse myself in the world of my own creation. I suppose the best part of writing is to be able to enjoy the freedom of making things happen and bringing life to my characters.

While I can only live one life in reality, writing enables me to live many different lives in my own text. That’s the beauty of literary creation.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

Writing has always been my passion. Ever since I was a child, I had always wanted to become a writer. What happened when I was about nine had in a way boosted my confidence in becoming one in the years to come. I did not win a writing competition, but I wrote something that made money. When I was about that age, I wrote a lot of stories, most of which were short and came in installments. I compiled these different stories in an issue and I stapled them together, some with illustrations, to make them look nicely in a form of a children’s magazine. This happened in the pre-digital age, meaning I had only one copy of my own writing. To ensure that I kept the copyright, I let my friends read the magazine on a small rental fee; that’s how I first made a little money out of my writing. It was nothing, but as a kid, I was happy to share my writing with other people. I was happy to have a group of followers who didn’t mind paying to read my works.