The Most Important Person On Earth Today And His Work! The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the most important person on earth today,  and His ministry is the most important work to be done.  Knowing this and knowing the power of God’s Spirit, the first question that comes to my mind is : Why aren’t we seeing a greater demonstration of the Holy Spirit in believers.   Could it be that many believers, do not realize that the Holy Spirit dwells within us?  Could it be many do not understand the role of the Holy Spirit and the power that He possess and it is available to us?    Or could it be that there isn’t enough emphasis placed on Him  as God and a Person and perhaps,  that is why so many believers are living below their full potential and godly purpose?

Well, let me introduce you to the 3rd person of the Trinity, not 3rd because He is least important in power, but 3rd because He is the last person of the Godhead revealed in Holy Scriptures.  As we expand our understanding of the Holy Spirit and His ministry within us, we will begin to embrace Him and allow Him to live out His life in and through us and as a result, we will experience a more victorious and triumphant life.  Jesus told His disciplines in Acts 1:4 , to wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit, which the Father would send.  He continues and states in Acts 1:8; You shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me. Beloved, this is one of my favorite verses in the bible.  This verse assures us that Father God, kept His promise, He didn’t leave us comfortless, or  without power!. He has empowered us to testify of Him, to confront the powers of darkness and to advance His kingdom on Earth.  The Lord states in Zechariah 4:6: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit.  When Jesus gave us (believers) the great commission, He intended for us to surrender our will and partner with the Holy Spirit to turn this world upside down, inside out for Jesus just as the 1st century believers! Saints, we have that same dunamis  power within us,  an explosive power that lives within every believer.  This power flows from us ( because of the Holy Spirit) and give us the ability to accomplish more than what seems humanly possible.

Every born again believer is called to and is qualified to be a change agent for the Kingdom of God.  If you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit upon salvation ( Ephesians 1:13). This is God’s seal, His down payment that you belong to Him.  To have the Holy Spirit is to have Jesus, to have the Holy Spirit is to have God Himself, living within you.  Wow, wrap your mind around that Truth, (if you can).  Yes, the Holy Spirit is God. Before we can comprehend the role of the Holy Spirit, we must have the basic understanding of the Holy Trinity.   Let’s  understand, He is not a “it”, a “something” or a “force”, He is the person of God in the “NOW”.  Recall, earlier I stated that the Holy Spirit is the 3rd person of the Trinity ( Godhead) that is revealed last in history? Each person of the Godhead relates and fulfills a specific role in history.

Father God creates a plan, Jesus implements the plan and the Holy Spirit administers or demonstrates the plan. Understanding the ministry of the Holy Spirit is intriguing and complex for the natural man or the human mind but it is exciting for the spiritual man ( spirited filled believer).  The unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead are all the same God, but not the same Person. They are all equal in their divine attributes, but relate to humanity in different ways, because of their distinctive roles in history.   We witness these three distinctive roles in the redemptive process:  The father designed and organized salvation for mankind ( Galatians 4:4-5), Jesus the Son, carried out the plan ( John  6:38) and the Holy Spirit demonstrates/ administer the plan, no man can come unto the Son unless he is drawn by the Holy Spirit ( John 6:44).  We also see evidence of the Trinity in Matthew 3:16  when Jesus was baptized. God the Son  (Jesus) was baptized, God the Holy Spirit descended upon Him and God the Father spoke from Heaven saying ” This is my beloved Son whom I am well pleased!

It is important that we stay conscious and aware that the Holy Spirit is a “Person” as well as God and we must interact and embrace Him in that matter.  He is the Person of “God” in the “Now”.  In John  16:13, Jesus  promised the coming of the Holy Spirit and referred to the Holy Spirit as ”He”. The Holy Spirit transform us, sanctify us and empower us to do Kingdom work.  As Jesus stated, the Holy Spirit empower us to be witnesses unto Him. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that signs, miracles and wonders are manifested.  Yes, we need the Holy Spirit to be a witness for Christ, His Spirit bear witness with our spirit enabling us to boldly proclaim the Gospel followed by miraculous signs and wonders to authenticate our testimony of Jesus.

The Holy Spirit has all the attributes of God, He is eternal, he is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent ( all powerful, all knowing and everywhere). He has a mind, a will and emotions.  Scriptures inform us that we can grieve, anger and quench Him, as well as bring joy and delight to Him. Therefore, we must remain conscious of where we go and what we are being exposed to, because He resides within us and go everywhere we go.  The Holy Spirit is personal, with personal actions such as speaking, interceding, teaching, guiding, comforting and counselling.   There is so much to say about the most important Person on Earth today, but I will save it for future writings.  I want to give you time to digest this information and in my next writing I will go into details regarding the Holy Spirit roles in our lives and how He desires to empower us to live righteous and victorious on earth in the “NOW”!

The purpose of this writing is to bring awareness and understanding that a Holy God dwells within every believer in the Person of the Holy Spirit! My primary objective for this article was to introduce us to the 3rd person of the Trinity  and begin to relate to Him as a Person and God. This is one of several writing, whereby we will discuss the role of the Holy Spirt and His important work that will be done through His Church (body of Christ) on Earth.  Be on the watch for  my next writing : ” The Holy Spirit and You”.

May God continue to bless you and increase you in the knowledge and understanding of Him! If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I invite you to open your heart and invite Him in, so you may be sealed with the Holy Spirit and empowered for Kingdom work!







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