Living In the Supernatural With Jesus Part 2/ Knowing Your Identity In Christ!

Hopefully, you have had the opportunity to  reflect and give some thought to the two questions presented in part 1.  To re-iterate, many believers do not recognize and realize the power and authority God has placed within us when He sealed us with His precious Holy Spirit ( Ephesians 1:13).  Unfortunately, the primary reason, is many believers do not know and understand their true identity and position in Christ.  And consequently, due to this lack of knowledge, Satan has deceived many believers into thinking  and living a powerless, defensively and helpless life towards his attacks.  Friend, God created you and I, placed us on earth to rule, reign and walk in dominion. In essence, we were created and placed here to glorify God and release Heaven’s goodness into history (earth).  Let’s  recall in Genesis 3, man relinquished that authority over to Satan, which we know as the fall of man. But Glory be to our Loving God and Lord, He provided a way that mankind do not have to remain in a fallen state, and that way is placing our faith in Jesus Christ and accepting Him as our Lord and Savior. This was and is God’s perfect and only plan of salvation for humanity; to reconcile us back unto Himself.

When we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior; John 1:12 attests that He gave us the right ( authority, the privilege) to become children of God!  The born again believer is born from above, from the Spirit of God.  This means that we are adopted into God’s family as His own beloved children, thus becoming co-heirs with Christ ( Romans 8:17)! Wow, I do not know about you, but this excites me to  have this child- Father relationship with my Creator, the Almighty God of the Universe! Many, maybe asking:  since I am connected to this power Source, why am I not experiencing and releasing this power in my life?  Accepting Christ is the beginning of our disciplined, powerful, lifelong walk with Christ.  We have to daily die to the old nature, we have to daily surrender to the leading of His Holy Spirit.  In order for us to realize who we are in Christ and for  God’s power to flow through us on a consistent basis, we must live a lifestyle that is pleasing to Him.  We must learn how to yield to His ways, plans and purposes so the Holy Spirit will have greater influence within us! We live and walk in the supernatural by allowing the Holy Spirit to live out His life in and through us; not us trying to be good.

Living in the Supernatural with Christ requires developing and cultivating a life that is in consistent fellowship with Jesus. This includes prayer, worship and being a student of the Word. An increase of the Holy Spirit influence within us, is a result of our committed relationship with Jesus.  Thus, empowering us to fulfill our mission to advance God’s Kingdom on Earth. God’s intention and desire is for His children to live out the realities of His Word on earth, bringing and releasing a touch of Heaven on earth. Believers, if we truly walked in the power and authority that has been given to us, we would see a greater transformation and impact in our  surroundings .  Why,  because we would realize and be aware that everywhere we go we are taking God and we would be mindful of our language, behavior and interactions.  One of the biggest challenges believers have is being aware of the presence of God within our daily activities and lives. Once we become conscious of God’s continued presence within us, we will become confident, bold and courageous in who we are in Him. As we become more confident and bold in Christ, this will lead to exercising our God given authority! Remember, we are seated in Christ and because of our position, we have access and availability to all God’s power, goodness and favor.

Since we are in Christ, walking and living in the supernatural is who we are, not what we do. Knowing who you are in Christ and living out that truth, leads you to operate in power, authority and dominion.  Our enemy, the devil, hates us because he know that we have legal and legitimate power, authority and dominance over him.  It was legally given back to us because of Jesus completed work at the cross!  Jesus not only saved us from eternal separation from God ( Hell), He saved us to advance His Kingdom on earth; Let thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven . Where ever God has placed you or send you, be courageous, confident, bold and fierce, knowing that He has equipped and empowered you to confront the power of darkness, and destroy the works of Satan; Not by your power, your might, but by His Spirit!

Knowing Who You Are In Christ; Leads To Living and Walking in the Supernatural With Him!! Are You Ready To Answer The Two Questions Presented In Par 1?

Until next time, may God continue to bless you and increase you in the knowledge and understanding of Him. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior, I invite you to  open your heart, repent and ask for forgiveness of your sin and ask Jesus to come into your heart and become your Lord and Savior.


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