Living In The Supernatural With Jesus- Part 1

Many believers do not realize and recognize the power and authority God has placed within us.  Let me start by asking two questions; (1)  How much of God’s power are you allowing to work in and through you? and (2)  How much of God’s power do you want? As you read this, keep these two questions in the front of your mind and be prepared to provide a honest answer.  Many believers, including myself exclaim, ‘we want to go higher in Christ”, we want more of God”, that sound good and godly, do we really understand what we are asking and what is required of us?  If you are a born again believer in Christ, you already have all of God that one can receive! For in Christ all the fullness of the godhead dwells in bodily form ( Colossians 2:9) and  God raised us up with Christ and seated us in the heavenly in Christ Jesus. We are spiritually seated in the spiritual realm in Christ and in Christ dwells the entire Godhead, which means God dwells within every believer and intend for us to operate from a heaven perspective and bring some of heaven goodness into history (Earth).

Why aren’t we seeing more of heavens’ power being released on Earth.  I will reiterate, many do not realize the power that is within us, therefore, we are not crucifying our flesh, so that the Spirit of God can increase within us.  As the Spirit of God increases within us it will prompt us to bear witness to Jesus. We will constantly proclaim His death, burial, resurrection and ascension to repentance and forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ. This is the Gospel that the body of Christ should be preaching, teaching and proclaiming non-stop!  Reflect back to the 1st century believers (book of Acts), they stayed fill and full of the Holy Spirit. As a result, they went throughout Judea, Samaria and the uttermost part of the earth preaching, teaching and proclaiming the Gospel and the Holy Spirit manifested signs, miracles and added to the church to authenticate the message of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Notice, they did not preach a water down message, a make me feel good message, a prosperity message, or compromised the Word of God for acceptance.  They preached the unadulterated, incorruptible, uncompromising Truth, and that is what destroyed the works of the devil and caused people to be saved!  Jesus attests in Acts 1:8 : But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you and you shall be a witness unto me…..This means His Spirit will cause us to testify of Him.

Living in the supernatural with Jesus means; knowing our identity in Christ.  Living in the supernatural is not something that we occasionally do, but it is who we are once we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior This is our lifestyle, we live a life that is totally surrendered, committed and controlled by the Holy Spirit.  Consequently, we are always conscious of His Presence and power within  us and ready to activate and release His power on Earth.  Notice, to elevate in Christ we have to live a life controlled by the Holy Spirit! We cannot tap into the supernatural power of God if we stay stagnant and complacent in our walk with Christ.  We cannot stay on the sidelines and expect God to perform signs, wonders and miracles in and through us.  We need to continually increase our spiritual intimacy, ask God to expand our capacity to know and receive more knowledge and understanding of Him, so that we will have more to release to this evil and dark world.  Remember, we can’t release or give out if it is not within us. We want to stay full and filled with the Holy Spirit and His power!  We often quote Ephesians 3:20 : that God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think, but we forget the last part “according to the power that work within you“!, Selah! I will end this segment here  because I want us to reflect on the two questions and realize the power that is within you.

Don’t miss part 2 of Walking in the supernatural with Jesus! Until Then Stay focused on Jesus and His Power… May God continue to increase you in the knowledge and understanding of Him,



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