A Warrior On A Mission For Christ

If you are a new creature in Christ, you have been enlisted in God’s great army and you are called to the battlefield.  Saints, it is war time, this is not the time for spectators!  Our enemy, the devil has intensified his attacks on the body of Christ and no one is exempted.  God is seeking bold, courageous and confident men and women for this end time battle.  Are you ready to come off the sidelines and become a warrior on a mission for Christ?  We are talking about a warrior for the Kingdom of God, a warrior that is ready to snatch souls from the grip of satan’s hand, a warrior that is ready to destroy the works of the devil!

A warrior is one who is very strong, persistent; one that doesn’t give up easily.  Warriors carry themselves different, they walk and speak with purpose and authority.  They are conscious and always focused on their God ordained assignment. A warrior have a quiet confidence, they aren’t boastful or prideful because they know their strength and power comes from Jesus.  Warriors are constantly engaged aggressively and energetically for battle and/or conflict.  A kingdom warrior doesn’t get entangled with the affairs of this world, otherwise he will not please the One that recruited him, and that is our Lord Jesus.  This is clearly conveyed in 2 Timothy 2: 4:  No man that war entangle himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. God’s warrior cannot love and be friends with the world.

Our Lord is seeking strong and brave warriors to voluntarily enlist in His army.  We serve a God that is a warrior, that is mighty in battle and He is seeking such men and women to develop, train and launch into the enemy’s territory.  Exodus 15:3 asserts that “the Lord is a man of war, the Lord is His name.  Our God is a warrior and why wouldn’t He want His children to take after His character?  If you are born of the seed of God, you have the nature of a Warrior, you need to allow the Holy Spirit to develop this trait to be released.  Are you ready to answer the call and become a Warrior on a mission?   Although Jesus won the war for us on Calvary, there will be many battles in this life that we will have to show up for and fight.  Even in the battles, we must remember that our God is strong and mighty in battle and He is fighting in and through us!  This is why a warrior can have quiet confidence, because they know that the battle is not “theirs” but the Lord!  King David was a warrior and he illustrated this quiet confidence in his confrontation with Goliath.

1Samuel 17:47:  And all this assembly shall know that the Lord save not with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.  Your enemy doesn’t necessarily have to be people.  Your enemy can be anything that causes you stress and do not align with God’s Word.  Your enemy is anything that takes your focus off of God and the things of God.  Life situations and circumstance can appear to be insurmountable at times.  When life’s Goliath’s call you out on the battlefield, display the warrior ‘s quiet confidence that the Lord will deliver them into your hands.  You are never fighting for victory, because victory was already won by Jesus Christ, your are fighting from a position of Victory! And my God always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus.

Warriors of the Most High God; gird up and let this world see the power of God working in and through you!  



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